Museum Corner May 2020
Lawrence County Artist Marie Hardman’s painting, “Creek in Spring,” will be on display in the McReynold’s Gallery of the Lawrence County Museum, once the museum is able to open. (Becky Buher / Courtesy photo)
Looking Forward to seeing great art
By Becky Buher, guest columnist
Through the years, Lawrence County has had many interesting and talented artists. Some years ago, the Lawrence County Art Association (LCAA) donated several pieces of art to the museum in order to protect it and make it available for future generations to enjoy.
The museum’s Spring Art Show is ready and will be available as soon as the museum reopens. The historic art exhibit awaits an audience at the second floor McReynolds Community Gallery.
The exhibit includes two-dimensional artwork and more. Some of the art is from the dedicated community-minded people who helped establish LCAA in 1964.
Mildred Alexander (1904-1997) was a teacher in the Mitchell Community Schools for 28 years. In 1994, she was selected for the Older Hoosier of the Year Award by Area XV Agency on Aging. Her painting is entitled “Autumn Beauty.”
Marc Bradovich, formerly of Bedford, is now living in Colorado. His painting harkens back to the east side of the Bedford Square where MacDonald’s Jewelers and Village Hardware were once located.
Charles Crawford (1903-1990) was the first LCAA president when it was established in 1964. A Times-Mail newspaper retiree and Heron School of Art alum, he won numerous awards during his career including a Hoosier Art Salon award in 1969. His painting is the “Tunnelton Covered Bridge.”
Mabel Davis (1894-1970) was a descendant of one of Lawrence County’s pioneer families. She received degrees from Indiana University and Columbia University and was a long-time Lawrence County teacher. Her oil painting is “Flowers in a Green Vase.”
Marie Hardman (1914-2005) belonged to the Lawrence County Art Guild and LCAA. Her oil on canvas is entitled “Creek in the Spring.”
Maxine Hurd (1914-2003) was a prolific painter and could often be found working in her art studio located in the Masonic Temple Building. She was a community activist and was instrumental in saving and preserving the Clara Barton Red Cross log cabin. Her two paintings are “Purple Iris” “and “Seascape.”
Lucille Latta (1920-2007) also has two paintings, “Desert Flowers” and “Red Geraniums.”
Nelson Sears (1905-1978) was a self-taught artist best known for pastel paintings. Sears was second vice president of LCAA when it was established in 1964. A self-portrait is on display. He garnered many prizes, including a Purchase Prize Award from the Hoosier Art Salon in 1969. His friend, Paul Miller, once said that one of the things he respected the most about Nelson Sears was the fact that he was constantly and forever a gentleman.
Elizabeth Vaught (1903-1986) became the first treasurer of the LCAA when it was established in 1964. Her painting is entitled “Early Fall.”
Pioneer painting—The oldest oil painting exhibited is a woodland scene showing a man seated by a tree with his packhorse nearby. Don Richard Lucas donated the painting in 1947. Records indicate it was painted in 1799.
The exhibit also includes three-dimensional work in wood and stone from museum collections.
August Mack (1879-1947). “The Forgotten Man” is plaster cast that was later used as a pattern to create a limestone sculpture. Several of his public limestone carvings can still be seen at Thornton Park near the tennis court. Some may remember his large limestone Santa Claus statue that once dominated Santa Claus Land (Holiday World).
Tony Spaulding—Numerous Spaulding woodcarvings are part of the collection Mary Beth Dunihue and Elizabeth McKenzie donated in 2009.
John M. Thomas carved a box in a box using a wood rafter from an old house that was once located at 17th and I Streets. In the early 1900s, George Smith carved wooden foxes and a fish. Roy Hatfield carved a chain with three links and a fob. Wandley Burch carved a representation of “The Crown of Thorns.”
In 1929, Lester Dale Wykoff carved a limestone frieze with bas-relief figures of two graduates and a football player. It won top prize in a contest sponsored by Chicago’s Marshall Field & Co., and Wykoff’s daughter, Diana, donated it a few years ago.
Charles Walters—His whimsical carved golf balls are fun to see.
You can also find the LCAA’s bicentennial book, “Artists Feature Lawrence County.” There are still a few books available in the museum gift shop. In it, you’ll find images created by talented contemporary LCAA members.
Pablo Picasso said art is able to wash away the dust of everyday life. When the museum reopens, draw up a chair—dust yourself off, and enjoy.