Vintage Corner—look for items from the past.
Moderately priced jewelry for children and adults.
Seedling Patch Newsletter index. Most of the Seedling Patch newsletters are available for purchase in the gift shop.
The gift shop carries a variety of items such as books by local authors, books about Indiana and Lawrence County, limestone sculptures and handcrafted items. The gift shop also stocks a large collection of research materials including cemetery listings, marriage records, and other documents.
Looking for bargain books? Used books of all kinds are for sale in the museum meeting room at the very reasonable price each of 50 cents or $1. They change often so come see what is currently available.
BOOK CATEGORIES AVAILABLE ONLINE : Cemetery Books, Civil War, Cookbooks, Historical Fiction, Indiana, Lawrence County, Limestone, Military Railroads, Research Materials, Sports. These are the only items available for online purchase at this time. Go to
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